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Decreasing the Risk of Diabetes

Decreasing the Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes is an inability by the body to regulate reacting to insulin causing abnormal elevation of blood. Diabetes is more of a lifestyle disease hence you can decrease the risk by changing aspect of your life.

Role of a healthy diet in decreasing the risk of diabetes

A healthy diet for decreasing the risk of diabetes means eating a high fiber diet with minimal or no fats and sugar. Dietary fiber in plant foods means the indigestible part and has both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water forming a sticky gel-like material which helps in slowing the rate of food absorption and reduces the possibility of sudden spikes in the blood glucose.

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, but it helps in reducing the levels of blood glucose.

Some high fiber foods take longer to digest which is a benefit since the release of glucose into the bloodstream will be slower giving the body enough time to produce the insulin it requires. It also makes the stomach fuller for longer thus maintaining the healthy slimness by reducing the need to eat frequently.

Preventing risk of diabetes requires a reducing the intake of the following:

Sugar: Sugary foods have more calories that cause an increase in weight and chances of getting diabetes. Most processed foods are in this category. Digestion of foods with added sweetener takes place faster increasing the frequency of hunger and urge to eat.

Fat: Fat gums receptors in the muscle cells are preventing insulin from opening the cell membranes for glucose to enter. Minimizing the fat helps in unblocking the receptors.

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Other Ways of Decreasing the Risk Of Diabetes

Reducing weight

Reducing weight drastically reduces the chances of type 2 diabetes by burning the excess visceral fat, which is responsible for increasing the risk of diabetes. Reducing weight especially around the midsection helps to reduce the risk of diabetes. The healthy waist size for men should not exceed 37 inches for men and 31.5 inches for women. Most people with diabetes are obese or overweight thus reducing weight should be a priority.

You can lose weight by choosing a low carb, vegetarian, paleo or Mediterranean diet.

Exercises contribute much to weigh loss. Exercises make the cells to be more insulin sensitive and reduces the insulin the body requires for the glucose to enter the cells. Many types of exercises can help to reduce the levels of blood glucose in obese or overweight pre-diabetic adults. High-intensity interval training m strength training and aerobic exercise are some of the physical exercises that help prevent the manifestation of diabetes.

Drink plenty of water

Water is the primary beverage in reducing the risk of diabetes. It does not have preservative, unhealthy sugars and other harmful ingredients that cause insulin spikes, buildup of fat and bad cholesterol.Green tea with natural ingredient is also a good beverage.

Quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake

Smoking has a connection to cancer because it increases the levels of blood pressure, one of the main causes of diabetes. Tobacco smoke can also increase the body’s demand for insulin and maybe reduce the amount of insulin release. To be safe, it is essential for nonsmokers to avoid inhaling cigarette smoke. A habit of taking a significant amount of alcohol increases the risk of diabetes by causing drinkers to gain more weight. Alcohol is empty in calories, and a pint is equal to taking a bar of chocolate.Heavy drinking may cause other dangerous conditions like chronic pancreatitis with diabetes as a side effect. Drinking alcohol should be in moderation.

Sleep enough time

Many people sleep for lesser hours that the recommended minimum of 7. Sleeping for enough time is essential for proper metabolism of the glucose. The quality of the sleep also matters as people with insomnia have difficulty in falling or staying asleep increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes because the body does not produce absurd blood sugar appropriately. Getting enough rest should get the same priority as eating right and exercising.

Staying a sedentary lifestyle can wipe out the benefits of the above measures. It is important to engage in some physical activity to avoid sitting all day. Talking a walking break or standing during a phone conversation helps in generating some activity.

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