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How to Treat and Manage Miscarriages

How to Treat and Manage Miscarriages

A miscarriage is a sudden loss pregnancy before 20 weeks. It mostly occurs within 12 weeks which is emotionally devastating especially to women who just found out that they are pregnant. It is not the fault of the woman since it is almost impossible to prevent a miscarriage except with lifestyle.

Treatment after miscarriage is important to prevent infection and hemorrhaging. When a miscarriage occurs earlier, it is simpler for all fetal tissue to expel naturally without the need for the medical procedure. A doctor may recommend Dilation and Curettage procedure to remove any fetal material that does not get out on its own.

Treatment and prevention of miscarriage require specialist who will determine the cause to determine the best solution.

Treatment for Different Causes of Miscarriages

Chromosomal abnormalities

Mismatched chromosomes are the cause of around 60% of miscarriages. Chromosomes are tiny structures in every cell that carries genes. Each person has 23 pairs. A father supplies one set and the other set is from the mother. The chromosomal abnormality occurs when a sperm and egg meet and one of them is faulty thus prevents proper line up of chromosomes. The resulting embryo has a chromosomal abnormality and usually, the pregnancy will end up in a miscarriage. Couples who experience more than one miscarriage should go for medical testing to determine if they have chromosomal anomalies that prevent full development of pregnancy.


A woman who miscarriages twice or more should preserve the tissue and take it for lab testing to determine if chromosomes abnormality is the cause or there is another underlying issue. Medical treatment cannot treat chromosomal disorders because it is a genetic makeup but some therapies help to improve the anomaly. These include injection of growth hormones, hormone replacement, physical and occupational therapies.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS occurs when a woman has a too high level of testosterone the male hormone which causes irregular menstruation and ovulation. PCOS causes the resistance to insulin that prevents proper maturity of the endometrial lining.


Oral antidiabetic drugs such as metformin help to reduce miscarriages in women who have PCOS.

Uterine Abnormalities and Incompetent Cervixes

A divided or abnormally shaped uterus is the cause of uterine septum miscarriage by preventing implanting of the embryo or proper nourishment it requires for survival. An incompetent or weak cervix is another problem leading to miscarriage as the cervix is too weak to hold the bulging fetus. It mostly occurs at the end of first pregnancy trimester.

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A physician notes this problem after recurrent miscarriages or when pregnancy is in place. He can correct a weak cervix by closing it with a stitch (cerclage procedure).Its success might require hospitalization or bed rest during pregnancy.

Immunological disorders

Immunological disorders occur when a woman antibodies view sperm as a harmful foreign object thus do not accept an embryo to form in the body. A fertilized egg in normal pregnancy sends a signal to the mother's body that it is not a germ worth an attack any antibodies. Immunological disorders because antibodies that attack own tissue (Antiphospholipid antibodies) to attack the embryo and force it out the body.


Miscarriages due to immunological disorder are an emerging because hence treatment is still experimental. Select steroids, aspirin and heparin a blood thinner are some of the experimental medicine that some physician prescribes.

Bacterial infections

Male and female reproductive tracts have many harmless micro-organisms but certain bacteria can cause various problems including miscarriage. Ureaplasma urealyticum and mycoplasma hominis are two types that significantly increase the risk of miscarriage. They cause an inflammation on the uterine lining and prevent the development of the embryo. Their existence does not have symptoms and the only way to determine their presence is through a test.


Bacterial infections during pregnancy can heal after a dose of antibiotics.

Untreated illnesses

Uncontrolled diabetes and thyroid problems (hyper and hypothyroidism) are one of the frequent causes of unfavorable uterine environments that make it difficult for embryo survival.


A doctor will recommend treatments regiment and lifestyle change to put the disease under control.

The above treatments attempt to boost the body and allow it to sustain a pregnancy for the entire 40 weeks. Most times, doctors also monitor the progress closely through frequent checkups to stay informed on fetus development.

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