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Ethical Issues in E-Commerce

Ethical Issues in E-Commerce

E-Commerce is a platform where involve exchange of product and services over the internet. This trading process take the form of ,Online shopping web sites for retail sales direct to consumers, Providing or participating in online marketplaces, which process third-party business-to-consumer or consumer-to-consumer sales , Business-to-business buying and selling , Gathering and using demographic data through web contacts and social media, Business-to-business electronic data interchange , Marketing to prospective and established customers by e-mail or fax (for example, with newsletters) , Engaging in pre-retail for launching new products and services , Online financial exchanges for currency exchanges or trading purposes.

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This is Our World: Art Is In Part of Our lives

This is Our World: Art Is In Part of Our lives

The world we inhabit is a perfect place. We share this World with many different living species as well as different amazing things. Every human being who walks on this earth is uniquely designed from the other. The world in its entirety was created by the Creator Supreme, the perfect Artist and hence Art reflects in every of his creation. May it be humongous mountains or swollen rivers or as tiny an object as a microscopic amoeboid.

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Factor Hindering Universal Healthcare

Factor Hindering Universal Healthcare

Globally, different governments have put in place necessary policies to aid in achieving universal healthcare for their population. Interestingly, it is essential to indicate that both the developed and developing nations are yet to meet universal health care for the global community. Despite the numerous strategies and resources that have been channeled in the healthcare sector achieving universal health care have been a significant challenge for many nations (Maeda, A., & Banco, 2014). For example, despite the fact that the US is a developed nation, its high cost on health have significantly impacted the ability of the federal, state and local governments achieving universal health care for its population.

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Life is Music

Life is Music

Understanding the importance of various components is life is a critical practice that must be evaluated using the necessary apparatus for people to appreciate diversity. Music plays a vital role in individual's' life since it is part and parcel of human interactions. People cannot survive without the presence of music in the society.

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How does  Advertising Affects What We Buy

How Does Advertising Affects What We Buy

Advertising is an efficient way of giving out information about a product or service to a vast number of consumers at once. Advertising aims at persuading a consumer to buy a good or service, and it is usually at the heart of marketing strategies of most consumer good. Although one might say that an advertisement does not influence their decision to purchase a product, at some point in their decision-making process it does play a role. It one one of the most prominent methods employed by manufacturers to get their messages through to their potential buyers.

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