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Apple Company Sample


Apple is a company that is based in Cupertino, California. The headquarter in California, America is best known for the development process, the design processes as well as the sales. Apple is known for selling computer software, online computer services, and also electronics. Some of the hardware products courtesy of Apple include iPad tablets, iPhones smartphones, Apple digital televisions, iPod media players among others. Some software produced by Apple includes iOS operating system and iTunes media player. Apple is widely known for their unique and functional designs that keep enhancing both existing and new customers. In fact, Apple is among the world’s largest company in terms of information and technology. Also, it is among the leaders of phone manufacturers across the globe. This investigative report seeks to analyze and put into perspective the general characteristics of Apple as an industry. The report will also explain different demographic as well as technological factors that help Apple as a company to grow and maintain the revenue status that it has. There are various factors that affect the productivity and stability of Apple as a company. Those issues will be discussed, as well as the manner in which the company deals with the issues. Also, the report will feature the general environment of the company.


Industry characteristics and planetary issues

Nature of Apple

Apple is well renowned company that is known for being technical in terms of innovation. Different innovators have come together to ensure that products are exceptional in the competitive market. The designs are made to suit the consumers’ needs, so feedback and suggestions from customers are highly valued by Apple. According to (), Apple is a company that remains on top of the market because of the outstanding leadership as well as the creative brains that are formed by employers. For that reason, Apple stands as one of the most talked about company in the world. () explains that Apple has done so well as a company to the extent that it boosted of a revenue growth of about 8 billion U.S dollars in 2004, which has now projected to over 230 billion in the year 2015. Apple was started by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. They started small. The first product that the three individuals produced for the market was the Apple I. They went ahead to develop different features of the Apple I. Slowly, Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne developed Apple II, then Apple III. Over the years, Apple became more creative in terms of production. For instance, in 2007, iPhone was released into the market. That was the revolution of the smartphone market across the globe. The reason why the iPhones were different was because of the touch screen interface that had not yet been introduced to the market. According to (), the introduction of the iPhone was a major boost for Apple because it managed to generate millions and millions of sales. He further explains that the sale of iPhones still leads in terms of bringing high level revenues globally.

General characteristics of Apple

Apple is characterised by different situations. Apple as a company thrives because of the diversity and professionalism of the people working in the company. () explains that working with Apple is always a learning experience especially because all employees are trained and in turn expected to give their ultimate best in terms of work. In fact, there is no strict rule of working when you are employed at Apple. Employees are free to come to work or leave as they please as long as they reach their expected work goals. Apple Company is also known for providing a functional and friendly environment for work, so every employee is free to work depending with their flexibility. According to (), Apple puts all its energy on the idea of production and innovation because it helps in providing constant flow of output. The idea helps the company to stay on track in terms of creativity. When it comes to issues like interpersonal relationships at work, the company puts its energy on providing the needs of the employee before that of Apple. The people at Apple have established a functional channel of communication at the workplace. Employees are free to communicate directly with their employers. That is put in place to encourage team work as well as free exchange of ideas and information. Customers are always given the first priority at Apple, because the expectations and demands of the clients are what keep the company running (). That is why the workers at Apple are always on top of their game, because anything less in not acceptable.

Competitors of Apple

Apple is a company that is highly rated in terms of revenue, profit and capitalization of the market. Apple is a company that has constantly improved over the years. It has been a threat to many companies that are in the same market. For instance, the introduction of the iPhone was the ultimate achievement because it contributes highly to the general success of the company. According to (), Apple competes with many companies that offer similar products, and the fact that it provides different products means that it also competes in many markets. For instance, Microsoft is one of the well known competitors of Apple when it comes to the market of operating systems. The smart tablet market is undeniably dominated by Apple, even though Microsoft and Amazon have their own smart tablets in the market. Samsung is also a well know competitor of Apple. Samsung is a well experienced electronics company that ships electronics like televisions, cameras and phones across the globe. That puts Samsung in a good position to compete with iPhone in the hardware market. For instance, phone specifications produced by Samsung can compete with the phone specifications of iPhone. () explains that the smartphone market is flooded with competition from phone companies like Motorola, Windows and even Android, but Apple remains on top. Google is also a major competitor of Apple. One area of competition is the storage of media like music, where Google produced Google Drive to compete with Apple’s iCloud. Also, Google has constantly proved to be a competitor of Apple through the production of Android Operating System, which competes with Apple’s iOS.

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