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Executive Summary

The growing competition in the global hotel industry has resulted to players developing marketing strategies that not only ensure they are competitive, but also sustainable. Hilton Hotel is a global leader in the industry with a global presence and unique products and services that are of high quality targeting the high upscale market segment. This paper will analyse the current marketing strategies of Hilton from an international perspective and its specific operations in the UK market.

The data used was gathered from secondary sources ranging from company publications, books, journal articles and other online reports that focus on the hotel. It is evident that the current marketing strategy adopted by Hilton Hotel is effective in guaranteeing its sustained competitiveness in the upscale market. It was also evident that the middle class segment of the market has increased globally accounting for most tourists. The current marketing strategies are ineffective in ensuring the hotel taps into this segment of the market.

The paper went further and suggested various measures that will ensure the hotel taps into the growing potential of the middle class market segment such as service diversification and introduction of services that target the middle class income earner. The hotel can expand its profits if it implements the measures that will make it a significant player in the middle class segment of the market.

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