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Background of Research

The development of any organization depends on the identification and analysis of the factors that drives the effectiveness of an organization. Most organizations focus on enhancing the levels of employees' commitment due to its central role in determining the productivity of an organization (Brooks, 2006). This achieved by introducing the employees to the objectives, values and norms of the organization which are important for the employee to comprehend the corporate culture of the organization (Magee, 2002). Organization’s management is not only responsible of communicating to the staff of the corporate culture of the organization but also developing an environment that supports learning. Studies have shown that higher levels of organizational culture comprehension by the employees promote higher levels of efficiency and productivity of the employees (Brooks, 2006).

Non boundary Global economy has been brought forward by the trendy process of the international economic liberalization and globalization, as well as the vigorous competition among the organizations (Dolan et al,. 2003). As the technology advances during this process of globalization is fasten up in the remarkable way in recent years which provoke the organizations to think out of the box. They are not just required to develop their competitive advantages for surviving in the market but also to find new market to expand their business around the world and increase the market share across the territories (Lawler & McDermott, 2003). The expansion of the business has become the core strategy of many multinational organizations, and they tend to expand their business into fully explored and highly potential African market in order to increase the business profits and gain a market share (Yilmaz & Ergun, 2008). The purpose of this study is to find and evaluate the impact of corporate culture on the performance of Unilever Nigeria, and how they have created the market driven image through effective strategies of cultural adaptation across different nations of the world

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