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Computer Technology And The Networked Organization

Wiki and its usefulness for the organization

One of the most popular and presently used buzz term in the discussion of the business is ‘Wiki’. Wiki is a tool that is online which allows the users to publish and update the content collaboratively. Wiki can be used by anyone who has access to an ordinary internet browser, content editor and requires simple tools to use. The usage of ‘Wiki’ is known as ‘collaborative authoring’. The initial Wii was created on 1995 March as a complement to the Repository of the Portland Pattern. It was created by Ward Cunningham who named ‘Wiki’ using the Hawaiian term ‘Wiki Wiki’ which means ‘quick’.

Wiki is an encyclopedia that is web based and comprises of a free collaborative content (Socio-Technical Systems, 2014). It was founded in the year 2001, and now has more than 1.6 million articles. The latest instance of Wiki creativity is ‘Wiki cities’ which is a community’s collection with the websites that can be edited (Strass Mann, 2005).

In regards to the usefulness for the corporations, wikis are valuable tool in the provision of;

  • >Information sharing, collaboration of project and content management
  • It helps the organizations in designing collaboration (Schuman, 2005).
  • The organizations can build a community around the wiki written project
  • It is a collaborative knowledge based extranet for the organization (Schuman, 2005).
  • It helps foster flow of information in an organization (Breeding, 2013).
  • It helps the organization to distribute the team work together productively and seamlessly
  • It helps to remove the syndrome of one webmaster of the outdated content of the intranet

Product description using Wiki

The organizations that have leveraged Wiki comprises of Dresdner Wasserstein, IBM, Yahoo, Disney, New York Digital Times, Lufthansa airlines and Motorola (Schuman, 2005). The example of one product description using wikis is by Disney Corporation. Disney has integrated the wiki into a toolset that is collaborative along with the RSS feeds and internal blogs. This product acts as an information sharing strategy part which aims to facilitate the discussion of organizations internally and helping in documentation (Gulledge & Haszko, n.d).

Organizational goal supported by Wiki

The organizational goal supported with the help of this software ‘Wiki’ is that the iconic producer of the animated films ‘Pixar’ uses the Wikis to manage their production of films internally. Pixar has won the Academy Awards seven times and they have achieved this goal with the help of Wikis and by bringing innovation. According to CISCO (2010), ‘In order to support and coordinate the new animation computerized tools for the film studio’s, Wikis are used to help plan Pixar the release of their new animated film Wall-E’.

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