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Sexual Abuse of Children


This research paper deals with child sexual abuse. The main focus of this paper is to identify the causes of child sexual abuse including impacts and consequences of this obnoxious activity. This paper depicts how child sexual abuse damages the social development of a child. An abused child may become a criminal in his or her later life. This paper also suggests how the parents should treat their children, especially how they can teach their children to control their emotional feelings. In proper parenting, love, care and awareness are important factors which help in developing a child’s psychological condition. Child sexual abuse may harm his or her normal mental and psychological growth. In this paper child sexual abuse and its harmful effects are described from social perspective. Social development is seriously hampered due to child sexual abuse. Researchers’ tried to reveal facts in regard to child sexual abuse and to focus on the causes and effects of this problem. A sexually abused child, especially an abused female child, becomes frightened and feels disgust to having sex in her later life.

Key words: Sexual abuse of child, social development, parenting, society, timid, introvert, meek.


Child sexual abuse is a common problem in almost every country of the world. People related to the study of child abuse claim that unreported child sexual abuse occurs even in the developed countries like the UK, the United States, Canada and most other European countries. Furthermore, researchers argue that this rate of child sexual abuse is extremely high in underdeveloped and developing countries of the third world. The effects and consequences of child sexual abuse are far more terrific than one can imagine. A child that has been abused sexually bears the effects of this abuse throughout his/her whole life. Children who have been abused in their childhood turn into replicators who mirror those obnoxious behaviors in their later life more viciously. Among the nonaggressive signs and symptoms which grow in a child in response to ill-treatment and exploitation during childhood, a range of pessimistic personality traits such as lowered personality, lack of confidence and submissiveness are the most notable ones.

Referring to the negative impacts of child sexual abuse, Dr. Kirsten (2010), a professor of Psychiatry at King’s College London, says, “A history of maltreatment is related to negative impacts throughout the lifespan, as victimized children are more vulnerable to repeated abuse and are more likely to experience poor physical and mental health in adulthood” (p. 3). The question which arises here is how child sexual abuse or mistreatment affects a child’s social growth. The answer of this question partly depends on the theory of socialization which foretells that a child’s social growth is greatly affected and influenced by its interactive affiliation with the vicious agents of socialization. Secondarily, we have to depend on the psychodynamic theories in order to identify how an abuse and mistreatment shape a child’s psychology.

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