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Assessment 2 – Analysis of data

Question 1 – Summary of a categorical variable

The diagram below shows a representation of self-assessment of health by the individual respondents themselves, it is positively skewed or skewed to the right. Most people as shown by the result of the analysis stated that their health was very good this is a sharp 35.9% of the respondents. This was followed closely by respondents who selected “Good” as their health status according to their self-assessment this was made of 29.2% of the total respondents. 19.1% of the respondents selected “Excellent” as their current state of health this is third highest. At fourth place came 11.9% of the population who believed that their health is not very good and also not worse of and they stated “Fair” to stand for their current health status. The last portion of the respondents is of those people who are convinced that their health status is not very good and so they selected “Poor” to stand for that, this is made of 4.0% of the total population.

Self-Assessed Health Status
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Excellent 391 19.6 19.6 19.6
Very Good 669 33.5 33.5 53.0
Good 628 31.4 31.4 84.4
Fair 223 11.2 11.2 95.6
Poor 89 4.5 4.5 100.0
Total 2000 100.0 100.0

Distribution of Self-Assessment Health Status.

Table 2 below shows the distribution of fruits and vegetables combined in a random sample of 2000respondents. The distribution is positively skewed, with 23.6% of a total sample of 2000 people this is made of 476people of the 2000respondents combined six items of vegetables & fruits. 23.5% of the total population of 2000participants choose 3units of combination of both fruits and vegetables. In third place is 13.7% (274) there’s a combination of 1units combination of fruits & vegetables. 9.7% came in at fourth place with 194participants who mentioned having consumed 7combination of fruits and vegetable. This was followed closely by the participants who consumed a combination of 2fruits and vegetables per day this were 8.1% making a total of 162people of the possible 2000.

The next group is made of 5.3% of the possible 2000paaricipants in the study, this is 106people of the possible 2000participants who mentioned having 4fruit & vegetable intake combined per day. 4.0% of the 2000respondents was made of people who did not have any combinational of fruit & vegetable intake combined.

Fruit & Vegetable Intake combined [per day]
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 0 80 4.0 4.0 4.0
1 274 13.7 13.7 17.7
2 162 8.1 8.1 25.8
3 469 23.5 23.5 49.3
4 106 5.3 5.3 54.6
5 472 23.6 23.6 78.2
6 66 3.3 3.3 81.5
7 194 9.7 9.7 91.2
8 57 2.9 2.9 94.0
9 69 3.5 3.5 97.5
10 22 1.1 1.1 98.6
11 29 1.5 1.5 100.0
Total 2000 100.0 100.0

Distribution of fruit and vegetable intake consideration

The diagram2 below is supported by frequency table2, they both show distribution number of serves of fruits per day in the random sample of 2000-Australians, the distribution is positively skewed (skewed -to the right). As displayed on the bar-chart 30.8% of Australians took 2serves of fruits per day, this was followed closely by the Australians who took 1seve of fruit per day at 30.0%, 19.6% of Australians in a random sample of 2000 took zero or no fruit serves per day. In fourth place we have Australians who took3serves of fruits per day which stood at 13.2% of the total sample of 2000individuals. In fifth place we have 4.5% of 2000 people who took 4serves of fruits daily, in the last spot we have 2.0% of the total random sample of 2000 of Australians who take 5serves of fruits per day, and this consisted of 39people of the total sample of the possible 2000people.

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