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Educating Exceptional Students

Being physically different from other people is what makes us unique and interesting in nature. In some cases, we feel overwhelmed when requested to do things that are beyond our skills or capabilities. Others feel low when doing things that hardly challenge them. This is the feeling of not belonging or not being a part of a certain group. However, all this cannot be viewed in a negative perspective.

When a child is different from others, it means that he or she cannot receive or pass information in the normal senses, that is, not able to express thoughts, feelings and needs, or have a different way of processing information. In education programs, a special adaptation for such cases is so essential. Due to their needs, managements should develop and adopt education programs that address their challenges. The society should play a big role in addressing and supporting people with special needs. This is because, being different does not mean being out (Kirk et al. 6).

The Child with Exceptionalities

This refers to a child who has developed some physical and mental disabilities and at the same time, the child is talented in one way or another. Children with exceptionalities differ from others through mental characteristics, communication abilities, sensory abilities, physical behavior, or emotional development. In most cases, these differences extend to a point where the child require either school practice modification or special education programs to improve his/her unique capabilities. By understanding children with exceptionalities, it helps to understand the various ways in which children develop and the teaching skills and strategies that suits each situation (Kirk et al. 8).

When defining exceptionalities in education, there are specific areas that are of more concern than the others are. Some differences like size, skin color or hair color are of less concern to the education professionals. In different education levels, child exceptionalities are considered where a student needs additional support in learning. This includes children who are far ahead of others and their needs are not addressed by what is currently being taught, or he/she is unable to adjust to the social environment of the classroom or the school (Kirk et al. 8)


In such cases, special education program is necessary for these children. The exceptional groups of children vary from intellectual differences, learning disabilities, communication differences, sensory differences, behavioral differences, and sensory differences. A these groups are common all over the world (Kirk et al. 8). Children with exceptionalities show their inter-individual differences among the children and intra-individual within themselves. Both kinds of differences in children require special adaptation by the teachers and other education specialist in schools to develop the talents of these children. Early identification of the exceptionalities among children is vital for providing early interventions (Kirk et al. 9).

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