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Program Design for Effective and Efficient Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre


In response to the rising number of juvenile offenders and the huge cost of traditional imprisonment, there is a growing number of boot camps in the United States. Though there is increased knowledge concerning the nature and ineffectiveness of boot camps, most parents refer their children to boot camps and become frustrated. This is because most boot camps do not address the root cause of the defiant behavior (Welsh et al 2014). Instead, boot camps create aggressive and punishing environments that offend most of the juveniles. Most juvenile develop the attitude that boot camps are facilities developed to punish their behavior and is not different from prison confinement. Several studies have revealed inc0reased recidivism for participant of boot camps with aggressive environment (Ostrowsky 2005).

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Lincoln on Leadership


Lincoln on Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough Times is a book authored by Donald Philips in the year 1992. In the preface, he expresses how he felt surprised at the beginning of the research into the styles of leadership of the man that majority would confess as the greatest leader of the United States; he realized that no any other writer had examined that field. As a matter of fact, nobody had authored a book regarding Lincoln and leadership. Surprisingly, even in the Lincoln library where exhaustive inventory of the 16th president’s work are kept, there were only three articles of Lincoln and leadership. The inspiration of Philips came from the descriptions of how the president visited his generals when they were on the battlefield.

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Critical Review of International Marketing Concepts and Theories


In the past few years, internationalization process in small and medium business has attracted the attention of many scholars and business managers. The focus is derived from their activeness and expansion of their business in the international markets. Managers in small and medium businesses have opted to internationalize their activities and apply the strategic changes to achieve their growth objective. The internationalization has been through the application of various models, such as the Uppsala Internationalization Process Model, International Entrepreneurship Theory, and Network Theory (Elango & Pattnaik, 2007).

In the past days, business internationalization was explained through the use of stage model which was a step by step process. Under this model, the firm that wishes to start any international activity later, should get involved in the international market and eventually owns subsidiaries abroad.

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Educating Exceptional Students

Being physically different from other people is what makes us unique and interesting in nature. In some cases, we feel overwhelmed when requested to do things that are beyond our skills or capabilities. Others feel low when doing things that hardly challenge them. This is the feeling of not belonging or not being a part of a certain group. However, all this cannot be viewed in a negative perspective.

When a child is different from others, it means that he or she cannot receive or pass information in the normal senses, that is, not able to express thoughts, feelings and needs, or have a different way of processing information. In education programs, a special adaptation for such cases is so essential.

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Easy Jet Case Study

Competitive Priority

Competitive priorities are important actions for managers of any company in operation management. Competitive priorities are primary factor when it comes to the need to maintain a company’s production and profitability in a competitive enterprise. According to Porter, there are five dimensions of the competitive strategy which include cost, flexibility, quality, delivery performance and innovation (Porter, 1991). EasyJet has deployed all the five Porter’s competitive priorities into their business to be able to compete effectively. This strategy has led to the success of the company as a low cost company in the airline industry.

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