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Establishing IT Organization

According to the DBS goals, the main agenda was to improve on the IT infrastructure by automating business processes across all its branches. This is evident from exhibit 7 which indicates a milestone in the technological structure of the bank. The exhibit shows a projection to the future where the pending automation will be standardized.

During the time of David, some of the lean principals that helped DBS to succeed were the improvement on the customer wait time which was eliminated at the rate of 240 million hours. This lean canvas helped so much in delivery of the scheduled projects. Another factor was investment into collaborative technology.

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Marketing Plan for MasterMind Technologies

Brand Strategy

When starting up a company is a primary key to have strategies on branding. Branding is the way of identification and gives an enterprise a competitive edge on the market (Whatley, n.d.). Establishing a stable and noticeable brand is the success of any business enterprise. Mastermind, a company that deals with assembling of computers and distribution has employed different strategies in generating market and expanding its distribution territory. Among the strategies deployed include; making of the distribution territory and expansion into new markets, verbal and visual communication and different advertisement strategies. Same companies might provide same services but the competition lies with the packaging strategy and customer satisfaction, which also boots the domination of a brand in any market sector. MasterMind has tried the level best to be the leading distributor by maintaining a close contact with the customer effective customer care service. Also advertisements, promotions and campaigns have helped the company in promoting its brand

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Assessment 2 – Analysis of data

Question 1 – Summary of a categorical variable

The diagram below shows a representation of self-assessment of health by the individual respondents themselves, it is positively skewed or skewed to the right. Most people as shown by the result of the analysis stated that their health was very good this is a sharp 35.9% of the respondents. This was followed closely by respondents who selected “Good” as their health status according to their self-assessment this was made of 29.2% of the total respondents. 19.1% of the respondents selected “Excellent” as their current state of health this is third highest. At fourth place came 11.9% of the population who believed that their health is not very good and also not worse of and they stated “Fair” to stand for their current health status. The last portion of the respondents is of those people who are convinced that their health status is not very good and so they selected “Poor” to stand for that, this is made of 4.0% of the total population.

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Apostolic Moorings

Mooring is the act of an object or person being kept safe by an external force. In the Christian concept, an Apostle is an obedient follow of Jesus Christ. An apostolic mooring is whereby Christians are dependent on God for guidance in life. The Christians lives are directed by the Bible and try to line their lives with the characters from the Bible such as David, Abraham, Joshua and the Son of God, Jesus. Believers believe one should not follow their destiny, (Jeremiah 10:23) "Lord, I know that people's lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps." Christians believe that Yahweh is the ultimate power and no one is greater than Him. For this reason, a believer(s) will rely on the Spirit of God and the scripture to lead them in life. The importance of apostolic moorings is as discussed below.

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Media Bias and Political Affiliation


The media bias in the United States is by all accounts an issue in the cutting edge of Americans' minds. A vast part of Americans, adding up to around 80 percent, say they don't believe the media and view it as both dishonest and biased. The uncertainty encourages question in the factuality of the news, and Nationals are left addressing how exact is the information they are accepting. In perspective of this, the article by Levendusky and Keaney do concur that the media is inclined on political affiliations. An implicit expression refers to expressions that are implied and proposed while explicit expressions refer to statements expressed detail and in detail, ruling out disarray or uncertainty. This paper will examine both articles with the perspective of talking about their arguments. This paper will discuss both articles with the view of discussing their arguments. Given this, we will study that Kiener’s arguments prove to be implicit since it lacks proper study that will support the arguments. However, Levendusky’s study proves to be explicit in that the study is supported by an empirical study.

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