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To what extent are our sources fair in their presentation of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus?


Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus was born on the Thirty-first day of August, 12 AD at Antium. He was the third Roman Emperor after Augustus and Tiberius. His reign as emperor lasted four years 37-41 AD, (Barnes 2013). Caligula was a known member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. His father Germanicus was one of Rome’s most decorated generals and a beloved public figure. His father was the adopted son and also a nephew of Tiberius. The term Caligula was a nickname forged by Gaius’ father soldiers to mean a little soldier’s boots. This was during their match to campaigns in Germania. Upon the death of his father, his mother Agrippina moved together with her six children to Rome. There she had severe disagreements with Tiberius which led to the destruction of her entire family. However, Caligula survived as the only male surviving descendant. Caligula was taken in by Tiberius as an adoptive grandson to the emperor. He moved to the island of Capri where Tiberius had moved half a decade earlier. Upon the death of Tiberius in 37 AD, Caligula succeeded his grandfather and became the third emperor of Rome (Pitcher, 2009).

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Law scholars trace the background of probation and parole from the English Criminal Justice guidelines of the middle ages (David et al, 2013). Before granting probation, the English Criminal Law required prisoner’s pledge to meet certain conditions during the probation period. These conditions include, obeying the law and avoiding criminal activities, offering community service in community or government institution, reporting regularly to the probation officers, avoiding contact with the victim among others (Sunga, 2010).

The law considered those serving probation and parole as still serving their sentences. Therefore, the law considered any violation of the parole conditions as breaking the law rendering the offender back to prison. Therefore, a new problem of repeat offenders emerged. Repeat offenders served longer period in prison for violating probation requirements (Sunga, 2010).

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Download this file (Probation and Parole Research paper and assignment.pdf)UNDERLYING ISSUES IN PROBATION AND PAROLE 299 kB
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Attachment Theory and Social Work Treatment in Families


The theory of attachment and how it can be practically applied have once again emerged as important aspects of determining the quality of the relationship between a child and their caregivers (Shriver, 2011, p. 122-123). Difficulties in the place of children in the family setting have also been associated with attachment. Foster care has emerged as a popular option for children in most countries especially those that have to deal with HIV/AIDS pandemic that have resulted in many orphans being left behind and unattended. The practical use of the attachment theory has found a place in the assessment, development and supervision of the relationships in children care systems like foster care and normal families. A definition of foster care has been given to the rearing or nursing of children in an establishment or by people that are not their natural parents.

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Whole Food Company

Whole Food Company is a major player in the American food industry. It consists of a chain of grocery supermarkets that deal with the sale of organic agricultural products such as meat, fruits, vegetables, and spices. The founder is John Mackey. It was established in 1980. Mackey began as a small retailer of food products in Texas. Today, the company has expanded. It has branches the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Whole Food Company brands products differently. Branding helps the consumers to differentiate a product from those of the competitors in the market (Bowden, 2011). The elements include packaging, size, and logo. The grocery bag of the supermarket contains the company logo and the company name printed on it. The logo includes the products that the company sells: fruits, vegetables, and baking products. The brands are all in the food industry.

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At the middle of the 21st century, organizations started to adopt the new management policies in response to rapid changes in the society (Richard, 2003). These changes shift demand and opportunities for labor, goods, and services. Today’s economy has become global. Advancement in technology has led to innovations that have transformed organizations especially in management. There is high competition to meet the customer expectations. Therefore, for an organization to compete well, managers must adopt innovations that increase performance (Richard, 2003).

Management is the act of coordinating and overseeing the work of other employees to achieve goals and objectives of the organization. However, management may include other duties not relate to coordinating the work of other employees. This may include tasks relating to partnerships and networking (Markus, 2010).

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Download this file (APA     management ORDER 12554.pdf)The Process Of Managing People In An Organisation 392 kB
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