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Computer Technology And The Networked Organization

Wiki and its usefulness for the organization

One of the most popular and presently used buzz term in the discussion of the business is ‘Wiki’. Wiki is a tool that is online which allows the users to publish and update the content collaboratively. Wiki can be used by anyone who has access to an ordinary internet browser, content editor and requires simple tools to use. The usage of ‘Wiki’ is known as ‘collaborative authoring’. The initial Wii was created on 1995 March as a complement to the Repository of the Portland Pattern. It was created by Ward Cunningham who named ‘Wiki’ using the Hawaiian term ‘Wiki Wiki’ which means ‘quick’.

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Economics of Money, Banking and Finance Task

Introduction: Background, Aims, and Objectives

After the financial crisis of 2008, the economies across the globe suffered in varying patterns according to their prevailing frameworks. The effects of the crisis on countries and how they tackled the crisis were also dynamic across the world. Most countries adopted a tight monetary and fiscal policy after the crisis. Pakistan, being a developing country also adopted a tight monetary policy, but the patterns of policies and other financial indicators varied over the last few years (Ha & Kang, 2015). The aim of the report is to analyze the monetary policy of Pakistan after the recent financial crisis and see how it tackled the situation including issues like inflation, interest rate, unemployment, etc.

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Global Business


Local firms have a significant role in any economy as they do not only produce large revenues for the economy but also help in increasing the human capital and make the local economy more competitive in the global market. Sometimes, these local firms and industries need protection from the foreign market due to several economic, business, political, and strategic reasons (Dunning, 1988). In that case, the government steps out and provides shelter to these local markets in the form of trade protection. Protectionism supports believe that this protection is good for economic welfare (Tansey, et al., 2005). The essay is divided into five major sections. The first section explains the domestic firms, and their importance while the second section describes the role of the government protecting these firms. The third section puts light on the trade protectionism, and its reasons. The fourth section describes how the protectionism can lead to economic welfare, and the last section concludes the essay.

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Tourist Destination Pressures Task


Tourism plays a vital role in the economy of any country as it brings millions of dollars into the economy and also makes the circulation of money faster and regular due to the ample amount of money spent by the tourists in the country. This report is about one of the most important tourist sites in Amsterdam, Netherland; the Rijksmuseum. The museum plays a vibrant role in the tourism industry and the economy of the city and the country as well. Every year, thousands of people from within the country and around the world come to visit the museum and in this way, give a boost to the Dutch economy (Pekel, 2014). It has been reported that the Rijksmuseum contributes about €235 million to the Dutch GDP with each visitor contributing €110. It is also reported that the museum is expected to contribute approximately €3 billion to the GDP of Dutch economy till 2017, and 5%-10% of the tourist expenditures in Amsterdam are dedicated to the museum only. The museum is also the source of income for 3700 people in the form of jobs (ING, 2015).

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How to Write an Academic Paper When You have Limited Time?


Writing an academic paper can be one of the most challenging academic activities as it includes a lot more than just skimming through articles written by other authors. A good academic paper consists several sections from the background through the conclusion and needs clear and authentic analytical thinking (Strauss, 2012). It allows the author to draw out the most credible, and useful information and put it in a compact form that can be further evaluated and expanded. Due to its complexity, an academic paper needs a fair amount of time, and under strict time constraints, the task becomes even more challenging (Swales & Feak, 2004). This essay includes a discussion on how to write an academic paper when little time is available.

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Download this file (How To Write An Academic Paper When You Have Limited Time.pdf)How to Write an Academic Paper When You have Limited TimeTips For Writing Academic Paper [1423 words]151 kB
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