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Global Health and Evidence Based Practice

Global health involves the act of conducting researches that in turn require an evidence-based practice so as to bring out the intended findings. Global health worldwide hence incorporates a whole different lot of countries. To achieve a set of objectives, some medical practitioners adopt evidence-based practice as a way of conducting research: clinical data for clinical use. This paper brings out different findings and reasons as to why different clinical research methods are better as compared to others. Evidence related to the same is also included in the paper.

Evidence-based practice wholly revolves around an integration of the best medical research methods. As a result, it calls for skilled medical personnel to find and record empirical clinical data. The main aim is to identify clinical problems that affect some countries on a global level. Some methods have been introduced to create reliable data. The truth is, some prove to be better than others out depending on the quality of their findings.

In the field administering treatment to a patient, evidence-based practice is the most effective. As a result, they rely on scientifically related data to provide findings. Its history dates back to 1972.Nonetheless, evidence-based practice evolves day in day out. Some factors like a rise in the level of technology fuel the rate at which interventions based on the practice.

Some of these interventions include the use of electronic health records to keep track of the patient’s health. Since the technique has been incorporated in today’s health systems, government policy requires all nurses to have a vast knowledge in evidence-based practice. Consequently, education institutions have now introduced the technique to nursing programs. Health organizations now prefer nurses who are well affirmed with the techniques. The main aim rotates around involving nurses while making critical clinical decisions.


As per recent findings, a number of health organizations are on the lookout for nurses or learned-qualified medical practitioners. As a result, they are in day to day decision-making process so as to facilitate the daily running of any health organization. The health market is also in one way or another diverting its dynamics by incorporating better methods in improving its patient’s level and quality of healthcare.

In a bid to provide better HealthCare, institutions are faced with a competition challenge. Bearing in mind that there is an ever increasing shortage of nurses, some organizations are seeking to improve their status by employing qualified practitioners. Skilled personnel who have what it takes to provide better services via the use of the evidence based practice.

In response to government regulations in the health sector, nurses should utilize evidence-based research. The method is important since it seeks to improve the outcome of patients. Comprised of 3 different components namely; research evidence, clinical expertise and patient values, it leads to a better outcome and realization of goals. Also, it plays a role in ensuring that health resources are used sparingly hence relevant evidence is usually collected.

Before evidence-based practice came into the picture, nurses wholly relied on academic colleagues to provide instructions and final verdicts on patients. Over the years the evidence based practice has now involved nurses as a vital unit in the process of decision making. A definite progression has since been noted as a result of the practice.

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