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Program Design for Effective and Efficient Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre


In response to the rising number of juvenile offenders and the huge cost of traditional imprisonment, there is a growing number of boot camps in the United States. Though there is increased knowledge concerning the nature and ineffectiveness of boot camps, most parents refer their children to boot camps and become frustrated. This is because most boot camps do not address the root cause of the defiant behavior (Welsh et al 2014). Instead, boot camps create aggressive and punishing environments that offend most of the juveniles. Most juvenile develop the attitude that boot camps are facilities developed to punish their behavior and is not different from prison confinement. Several studies have revealed inc0reased recidivism for participant of boot camps with aggressive environment (Ostrowsky 2005).

There need to be changes in the designing and operating juvenile boot camps. This program addresses the loopholes that build negative attitude about boot camps among the juveniles. This model program addresses the critical issues in the planning and managing boot camps for juveniles. This program will create a boot camp that resembles a home to develop empathy that the at-risk-youths mostly lack. Therapeutic services, such as counseling, restorative, and skill building are part of this program. These services reduce re-offending youth participants by between 10 percent and 12 percent. This will lower the possibility of recidivism among the youth participants (Ravenel 2002).

Psychogenetic Theory on Delinquency

Healy and Bronnner 1936, theory on delinquency among the youths center within the psychological problems resulting from unhealthy interactions within the family and with the immediate environment such as peers, neighbors, or institutions such as the local administration. The youth results to delinquency as a solution to their problem (Steiner 2010).

According to Steiner’s study based on this theory, 90% of delinquents come from unhappy families. Most likely, these families fail to meet most of the youth’s needs due to poverty or negligence. As a result, they may develop poor relations with their peers or authority. The youth feel discontented with the situation and result to delinquency as a solution. Delinquency is therefore a reaction to the problem (Steiner 2010). Therefore, this program will address the psychological and material needs of the youths. These include counseling and guidance, education, health care, need for socializing, physical activities, rewarding, and job provision among others. Delinquent juveniles need to feel appreciated. By addressing their needs they will develop positive attitude toward their peers and the authority. They are also likely to respect other people and themselves. In addition, the juveniles are likely to react by ceasing illicit behavior and replacing it with more rewarding habits (Steiner 2010)

Nature of the Boot Camp

This boot camp will create residential environment that resembles a home for learning skills and discipline. The boot camp will be situated in normally populated location where participants can visit and interact with people. The activities in the boot camp will resemble the normal home and school activities such cleaning, cooking, reading, entertainment, and sports among others.

Military-like training that is common in normal boot camps will be for those participants who develop the sense of empathy and self-discipline. This will help create role models, and encourage more to aim for self- discipline rather than resentments (Campbell 1998). Military- like training will be like a reward for those with sense of discipline.

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