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How To Avoid Sleeping In Class

How To Avoid Sleeping In Class

From the recent studies, it has been identified that most of the students find it as a hard task to stay awake when they are in a class. It is completely natural to feel sleepy after the lunch. Or else, students who don’t get enough sleep in previous night would feel sleepy during the day time. Here are seven useful tips that any student can practice in order to avoid sleeping in the class.

  • Move your pen – Tapping your pen would make you sleepy. But if you move it, you will be able to stay more active. It would be better to practice the pen twisting technique, but you need to make sure that you don’t make any noise. You would also need to have concentration to do it in the right way.
  • Count things – What I mean here is not to count sheep. You need to focus your eyes on something real, which can help you to stay awake. For example, you can count how many times your teacher says “the” or “um”. Or else, you can simply practice the multiplication or power tables that can be found at the back of your notebooks.
  • Drink Something – You will not be able to drink coffee when you are in a classroom. However, drinking water is fine as well and it has the potential to keep you awake. You just need to put some liquid down the throat and it can keep the entire body awake.
  • Nervous Dance – If you don’t have any issues with nervous twitching, it is the time to get a one. Tapping your foot silently or twitching your neck can definitely assist you to stay awake when you feel sleepy in the classroom. In fact, you can do anything that can help you stay awake.
  • Clean your face – As you already know, a bath can assist you to stay fresh. Since it is practically impossible to have a bath when you are in the classroom, you can put some cold water on the face. In fact, applying water on the eyelids can make you stay awake without any hassle. You will be able to take up your eyelids when the water evaporates.
  • Stretch – Stretching can be considered as one of the best exercises that you can do in the classroom. Nobody would blame you for stretching in the middle of the class. This simple exercise can definitely assist you to stay away from sleepy bugs. It can be considered as an excellent alternative for push-ups, which you cannot practically do in the classroom.
  • Exercise before – If you feel like you are going to sleep in the class, you need to exercise before. For example, if you go to the school by bus, you can think of walking few additional kilometers. Such exercises can refresh your body and help you to stay away from sleep during class time.

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