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Could Intermittent Fasting Tackle Obesity

Could Intermittent Fasting Tackle Obesity

Intermittent fasting is a pattern that involves interludes of eating and skipping meals. You decide on the periods of fasting or eating with an emphasis on when to eat without a diet plan. There are several methods of intermittent fasting, but they all split the day or a week into eating and fasting periods.

Most people "fast"without planning almost every day while sleeping. Intermittent fasting is merely an extension of this fasting longer. You can fast intermittently by skipping the breakfast, lunch or dinner. The cycle of eating one meal, skipping the second, eating the third meal and avoiding the other technically makes you fast for 16 hours a day. Your eating is restricted to 8-hour eating window. It is the most popular form of the intermittent fasting called 16/8 method.

Intermittent can help you to solve obesity problems and restrict your weight to a healthy level in these ways.

Changes metabolism

Metabolism is the chemical reactions that maintain the living state of organisms and cells. The first role metabolism is catabolism which breakdown of molecules to gain energy and anabolism, synthesis of compounds needed by cells.

Metabolism especially catabolism closely to the availability of nutrients which the human body obtains from food.Intermittent fasting causes several changes in the body making it easier to burn fat including boosting metabolism by increasing or decreasing the following:

Insulin: Insulin increases after taking a meal. Fasting decreases it dramatically lowering, and when it is at lowest levels, it facilitates fat burning.

Norepinephrine (noradrenaline): during fasting, the nervous system sends norepinephrine to fat cells making them break down fat in the fat turning it to free fatty acids that the body can turn to energy.

Human growth hormone(HGH): Growth hormone can help in loss of and muscle gain among other functions. During a fast, the levels of growth hormone increase five to six-fold to cause extra burning of fat.

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Despite the doubts by the proponents of 5-6 small meals a day, short-term intermittent fasting can increase burning of fat.

Promotes weight loss by reducing calories

The main contribution by intermittent fasting is by helping to eat fewer calories. The reason is that all rules involve skipping specific meals during the period of fasting even if there is no definition of the meal to forego. During the fast, you will consume fewer calories which can lead to a significant weight loss. Studies show that it reduces body weight by 3-8% over a 3-24-week period. The only drawback is that some people compensate the fasting by taking much more during the eating periods.

People who get positive outcomes from intermittent fasting also reported losing 4-7%of the waist circumference an indication that they lost body fat.The benefits of intermittent fasting are more than just loss of excess weight. It also has numerous positives for metabolic health, helping to prevent chronic diseases and increasing lifespan.Although it does not require counting of calorie, weight loss is a reflection that their overall calorie intake has reduced.

Success of intermittent fasting

If you want to tackle obesity be shedding off extra weight, you must be careful about these factors.

Food quality: Eat nutritious mostly whole and single ingredient foods.

Calorie intake: Eat the usual number of calories by taking regular helpings of food without eating extra to compensate for the fasting.

Consistency: Stick to your schedule for an extended period, or you will not see the results

Patience: The body takes some time before adapting to new protocol.it might take time before you stop feeling hungry after missing meal and even longer for you to notice changes in weight. The best thing for you to consistent with the meal schedule and it will become more comfortable with time.

Intermittent fasting can work perfectly for anyone who does not want to fast for the whole day. It is a useful way of burning body fat and holds onto muscle by combining it with strength training.

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