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Ways to Relieve Stress

Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress is a state of emotional or mental strain that occurs during demanding or adverse circumstances that a person is unable to cope to with and the brain view it as a threat. Huge bills, workload, sickness and strained relationship with other people are some of the things that cause stress. During stress, the body releases chemicals and hormones that prepare it to deal with the threat.

If something activates stress system, often it becomes hard to control it.

Chronic stress is harmful as it can upset the digestive system and reproductive system as well as suppress the immune system. Stressed people are at higher risk of getting serious health problems like stroke or heart attack. They also age faster.

Natural ways of relieving stress

Fortunately, you can manage, control and suppress stress in various simple ways including:

Increasing confidence and developing a positive attitude

Someone with more confidence in the ability to complete a task and overcome the challenges is more capable of controlling stress than those who leave their activities at the mercy of circumstances. Being optimistic and preparing for change or challenges enhances the ability to cope with stress. It is the reason that makes humorous people happier.

Increase support network

Having a reliable network of supportive individuals among family and friends is a huge shield from stress. Life pressure does not feel overwhelming when there are people ready to help in going through the predicament and even provide a solution. A steadfast social circle helps in eliminating isolation and loneliness which are the some of the factors that make someone vulnerable to stress.

Develop coping anxiety mechanisms

Training the mind to stop worrying much and looking at things from a positive perspective helps to stay a calm life without stress. A strong ability to deal with emotions helps in relieving the negative emotions such as sadness or anger. It is essential to develop ability for identifying and dealing appropriately with emotions. Strong coping mechanisms increases tolerance to stress and recovery from difficult times.

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Anticipating and preparing for stressful situations

Advanced knowledge about stressful situations, their intensity including the time it lasts makes it easier to cope as it does not come by surprise. For example, s a patient who goes to surgery with a realistic picture that it could take longer to recover from the procedure will get less stress than someone who went in operation room thinking about instant recovery.

Let the bad feelings out

Letting something that causes anxiety off by sharing with family, friends, a counselor, a teacher or any trustworthy I person helps in lighting the emotional baggage. Sharing with people makes them think of solutions and ways of encouragement. Crying, laughing and expressing another when necessary provides a way of venting out the frustrations and reliever stress in the process.

Engage in a favorite activity

Doing something enjoyable after a stressful moment or day helps to relax and distract the mind from the existing problems. It is also another way getting something right in other areas of life to compensate for shortcomings. Engaging in hobbies such as writing, gardening, walking a pet, filling crosswords and playing cards help in reducing stress.


Regular exercising is the best ways of stress management. Together with other physical activities, it helps in producing endorphins, a brain chemical that functions as a natural painkiller. It also improves an ability to sleep better and in turn reduce stress.


Meditation relieves stress by creating space in mind to reduce demands by distinguishing the essential and training it to increase mental resources. This training stays active by instilling skills to control emotions and deal with arising stress in a way that is more peaceful.

Yoga, gi gong and tai chi oriental techniques are excellent stress busters as they combine exercise with meditation.

Natural ways of relieving stress are better than medications unless the anxiety is too extreme and likely to cause depression. Tranquilizers and antidepressants may provide fast relief, but their effect is not long term without dealing with the causes of stress and defining easy of relieving. Some of them also have side effects especially when the dose is high.

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