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Treatment and Care of Heartburn

Treatment and Care of Heartburn

Heartburn is a painful and burning sensation that occurs in the upper part of the stomach or middle of your chest. The pain can also spread to the arms, neck or jaw lasting for few minutes or hours.

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is the condition of digestion that allows movement of stomach acid up the esophagus. It occurs when the muscle at the end point of esophagus and beginning of the stomach become weak.

Heartburn is in existence when a person begins to experience these regular problems:

  • Burning feeling n the upper abdomen and chest
  • Spitting or vomiting blood
  • Bitter taste in the mouth
  • A dry cough
  • Pain in the throat and when swallowing hoarse voice

Treatments of Heartburn


Antacids are the medicine that helps in neutralizing the stomach acid but will not treat the esophageal inflammation. Using them excessively can cause diarrhea and constipation.

Histamine -2 (H2)

H2 are blockers that reduce acid production in the stomach. Histamine stimulates the production of stomach acid especially after meals thus blockers work well if you take them 30 minutes before taking meals. You can also take them before going to bed to suppress production of acid in the night. H2 blockers are not a treatment for esophagitis, an inflammation in the esophagus but very effective in relieving heartburn. Side effects of Histamine include diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, gas, nausea, runny nose, sore throat, and dizziness.

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)

PPIs are drugs that block the production of acid more efficiently for a longer time than the H2 blockers. PPIs function more efficiently if you take them an hour before eating a meal.

Many doctors believe that every PPI can manage the effect of GERD by suppressing reducing the acid that the stomach produces and protecting the esophagus from it to allow healing of esophageal inflammation. Side effects of PPIs may include diarrhea, headache, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, gas, and constipation.

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GERD Surgery

Doctors recommend surgery to treat heartburn that does not end with lifestyle changes and medications. Surgery also becomes an option if:

  • The esophagus has severe inflammation
  • Narrowing of esophagus when cancer is not the cause
  • Change is cell due to acid exposure (barrette's esophagus)

A doctor checks the functionality of esophageal muscles to determine if they work well. Patients should only consider surgery if other safer treatments fail.

Fundoplication is the main surgery to treat stubborn heartburn that involves using specialized equipment such as a laparoscope (tube with camera and light) for operation from outside or make a large cut in the abdomen. Both methods of surgery achieve the same purpose which is to tighten the esophagus to prevent backing up of stomach acid. To tighten the esophagus, a surgeon wraps a part of the stomach, or all the top part of the lower section of esophagus then sews it in place.

Tips to Take Care of Heartburn

  • Wear loose clothing. Stretchy clothes create more room for digestion.
  • Do not lie or bend on a full stomach. Take at least 2 or 3 hours after a meal before bending or lying even if its bedtime. It is important to give food more time to digest and allow acid levels to drop.
  • Avoid heartburn starters. Avoid taking beverages and foods that start off symptoms of heartburn. Examples of heartburn triggers are chocolate, onions, peppermint or fatty foods. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tomatoes, citrus fruits and juices also trigger heartburn.
  • Lift the head of the bed for your upper body to rest higher than the feet. Place 6-inch blocks under bedposts on the bed's head as they are sturdy instead of a soft pile of pillows as they will place the body at an awkward angle. The position will cause more pressure on the stomach and worsen the heartburn.
  • Stop smoking as cigarette smoke weakens the muscle that helps in controlling the opening between the stomach and esophagus thus causing heartburn.
  • Avoid alcohol especially close to bedtime as it increases chances of nighttime heartburn.
  • Reduce weight as more around the belly causes more pressure on the stomach and forces stomach acid up the esophagus.

Anyone who experiences frequent heartburn should keep a log or diary to note when it occurs and the probable causes to help in establishing the appropriate treatment as well as prevention.

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