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How to Fight Dry and Itchy Eyes

How to Fight Dry and Itchy Eyes

Dry eyes occur when tears are unable to provide adequate moisture to the eyes.

Sometimes it causes creation of too many tears due to a confusing known as reflex tearing. It occurs in response to distress signal by the nervous system that they eye lack moisture and needs more lubrication. The body sends more tears like those that wash and debris when they get into the eyes. They only clean the eye without coating or lubricating.

Management tips for dry eyes

These are several options to relieve the symptoms of eye drops. These are:

Ointments and artificial teardrops

This is the treatment that most people use. Finding an eye drop over the counter is simple. There are different types of one product does not work well for everyone. If you are using drops for the first time, it is important to try a few and determine the one that works best in relieving your dry eye symptoms.

If you have chronic eye dryness, the drops will only provide relieve by using them even when they feel fine, or they will not get enough wetness. If the eye feels dry only when you go to bed, the appropriate relieve is to use a thick product such as an ointment for sleeping. Wearing airtight goggles to bed is something to consider as they will create a small "moisture chamber" for the eyes.

These steps also protect the eyes from dryness.

  • Drink a lot of fluid especially water to maintain moisture in the eyes and prevent dehydration which reduces the tears
  • Restore humidity to the air during dry weather using a humidifier as it helps in creating moisture for the eyes
  • Take action to prevent the heat from directly blowing onto your face. Direct heat to the face affects the eyes by drying up their moisture. For examples, drivers can divert heat by turning car vents away from the face towards the lower body.
  • Protect the eyes from extreme wind and cold because they reduce the moisture. Wearing a hat with a visor is one of the best ways to protect the eyes.

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Itchy Eyes

In most instances, itchy eyes occur due to an allergy. An allergen (irritating substance) such as dust, pollen, and animal dander triggers the release of histamines, a compound in the tissue around the eyes. Histamines release causes itching, swelling, and redness.

Although the itch causes the urge to rub the eyes, it is best to avoid rubbing. Rubbing will trigger release o more histamines that worsen the itching. Vigorous rubbing of the eyes can also cause a corneal abrasion or even worse introduce some bacteria that increase the risk of eye infection.

How to Prevent Itchy Eyes

Identify and treat the cause

The direct solution to the cause is the most effective way of preventing itch in the eyes from getting worse. If the cause relates to dry eye condition, the best remedy is to sort out the cause even if it takes diagnosis by a doctor. Using an allergy drop will not prevent itching in the coming days or hours. Take antihistamines if an allergy is the cause of itch eyes. They fight the allergic reactions by blocking histamine attachment to body cells that produce allergic responses.

Other ways of preventing itchy eyes are:

  • Avoid or limit exposure to primary causes of eye allergies. Avoid mold and dust mites are common indoor allergens in winter while grass and trees are causes of allergy in summer and spring. Wearing wraparound style sunglasses protects the eyes from airborne allergens.
  • Wash airborne allergens from the eyes using plenty of artificial tears. A doctor can recommend the best brand for you.
  • Shower before going to bed and gently wash the eyelids to remove pollen that could irritate at night.
  • Reduce the use of contact lens or use daily disposable lenses to prevent allergen buildup on the lenses.

Maintaining eye hygiene and moisture is essential for preventing drying and itching. Avoid touching the eyes and if it is inevitable, make sure that your hands are clean.

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