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Foods That Help or Harm Your Sleep

Foods That Help or Harm Your Sleep

Everyone knows the value of eating foods that give energy, improve immunity, maintain a healthy weight, promote healing but rarely does anybody think about the contribution of food to quality sleep. Food can improve or lower the quality of sleep. If you have never thought of food as a factor in sleep patterns here are the types that can make a difference between getting a restful night or tossing and turning.


Milk has tryptophan which has natural sedative effects that helps in falling asleep faster and sleeping deeper. Tryptophan is a natural remedy for sleep disorders caused by insomnia or sleep apnea without the need for prescriptions medicine or side effects.


Bananas like milk have tryptophan and also magnetism that some refer to as sleep mineral. Magnesium will help you to sleep faster and more profound because of its natural relaxing ability. It also deactivates adrenaline.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is rich in casein, a milk protein that sustains muscle repair and growth overnight if taken before going to bed.


Oatmeal is similar to rice as both are high in carbs and induce drowsiness when you take them before bedtime. Oats also contain melatonin the same hormone that the pineal gland in the brain releases to regulate circadian rhythm that controls sleeping and waking rhythm.

Other foods that help to induce sleep

  • Almonds
  • Turkey
  • Chamomile tea
  • Kiwi
  • Fatty fish
  • Walnuts

Foods That Harm Your Sleep

High protein foods

Protein-rich foods can disrupt sleep when you consume them close to bedtime. The digestive system takes much time to break down protein making the body to direct most attention to digestion instead of sleeping.

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Spicy foods

Spicy foods are delicious but notorious for causing indigestion, acid reflux, and heartburn. Heartburn worsens when you lie down because more acids will flow up into the esophagus to create burning sensation in its sensitive lining. Eating spicy food shortly before bedtime is a bad idea.

Fatty foods

Food with more fat is a cause of poor and fragmented sleep. Fat sets off digestive processes and set off a build-up of the stomach acids. If you lie down, it will cause stomach acid to creep into the esophagus and cause discomfort or even burning. Food with high-fat content will also affect the production of orexin neurotransmitter, which together with others helps in regulating sleep/wake cycle in collaboration with melatonin.

Watery foods

Watery foods such as celery and watermelon are natural diuretics. They help in pushing water through the body system. Eating food with water or taking beverages close to bedtime can interrupt sleep late in the night by causing an urge to visit the bathroom sometimes for two or more times.

Caffeinated foods and drinks

Drinks that contain caffeine can stimulate and energize the body whey you feel tired. They give you the stamina too keeps going, but you should not consume them in the evening or at night. They will over activate your brain and prevent the mind from relaxing naturally at bedtime to stimulate sleep.

Foods with dark chocolate, ice cream, candy and protein bars are high in caffeine. Other products to avoid because of high caffeine content are:

  • Coffee
  • Energy drinks
  • Non-cola sodas
  • Yogurt
  • Hot chocolate
  • Fancy water


Alcohol will make you drowsy and get the urge to sleep faster, but it does not promote quality sleep necessary for a good rest. It often disrupts sleep and can ever prevent you from reaching the deeper-most essential phases of a sleep cycle.

Sleep like everything in life requires a moderate amount of food. Overeating even for the sleep-inducing foods before bedtime will make the body to focus more on digestion. Eat a light snack if you get hungry just before bed. Light meals that contain calcium and tryptophan are the best to eat before bedtime. These include cheese, crackers, peanut butter on toast or a bowl of cereal.

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