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To-Do List before Bedtime for Better Sleep

To-Do List before Bedtime for Better Sleep

It is essential to maximize the quality of sleep to squeeze much rest as you can and wake up with more energy. Sometimes you can feel sleepy but find it difficult to sleep when you get into bed. The following tips help in sleeping faster and deeper.

Have an early and light dinner

Breakfast and lunch should be the heavier meals as the body needs more energy during the day, but dinner must be light for a good night's sleep. A lighter meal in the evening gives the body lesser food to digest before bedtime. Dieticians recommend taking supper 3 hours before bedtime to allow enough time for digestion process to complete or reach an advanced stage. When the body does not have food to digest, it will relax and be ready for sleep.

Stick to your schedule

Make it a habit to have fixed sleeping time that you strictly adhere to even on weekends or holidays. Always respect the sleeping time by completing the entire task on time and resist the urge to extend. You will have a better working day the following day if you are fresh. It is important that you close shop early so that you relax and de-stress. Reading a book, listening to cool music or just watching a non engaging TV program helps to relax and create an urge to sleep.

Discard engaging thoughts

Spend some time reflecting on the issues that you faced during the day and hopes for tomorrow. It will help in clearing up the mind so that there is not disturbing pending matter when you hit the sack. Mediation or free writing can also help in clearing the metal desktop. As you wind up, avoid something that is likely stimulating the mind into more activity such as checking work email. It can raise levels or cortisol that makes it harder to sleep. Cortisol is a steroids hormone known as stress hormone for it role in stress response.

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Perform stretch exercise

Stretching is a valuable exercise especially if you spend much time in postures that cause much tension to the muscles such as bending over a computer all day. Stretching helps in eliminating the tension. For example, you can lie on the back with the feet up and the arms on your sides to keep the chest open and pull the shoulders backward. Inhaling and exhaling slowly with eyes closed for about 10 minutes helps to relax the body and mind thus releasing the tension that delays falling asleep.

Take warm shower

A warm shower or a bath before bedtime is soothing and relaxing. Taking a bath in a dimly lit room is an excellent way to relieve stress. You can even enhance the feel by using candles. If you find it difficult to sleep, you can try aromatherapy which is the use of natural essential oils that release potent scents which help in relieving stress, promoting relaxation and better sleep. An essential oil such as that derived from cedar wood enhances the healthy functioning of pineal gland which releases that natural sleepy hormones called melatonin.

Put off the electronic gadgets

Computer, television or other devices prevent fast sleeping. It is important to switch them off around an hour before bed. Powering them down also helps in clearing the mind of the day’s concerns. Switching off the noisy or light emitting gadgets helps to create a quiet, dark and cool environment which is the most for ideal sleeping. Try using earplugs if still there is some noise that you cannot eliminate.

As you complete all the activities to prepare for bed, ensure that your bed is comfortable. A comfortable bed has a quality mattress of adequate thickness, a soft pillow that does not strain the neck, enough blankets for surrounding temperature and cozy sheets.

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