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Can Music Help Me Sleep?

Can Music Help Me Sleep?

People sing lullabies to babies who coincidentally have more sleep. They seldom suffer from conditions that hinder from sleeping. Adults are the ones who suffer from sleep disorders hence are in more need for music that soothes them to sleep.

Soothing music is not just great for babies but adults as well. It is a relaxation technique that even sleep therapists recommend. It is true that music can help you to sleep even if you suffer from a sleep disorder. It boosts quantity and quality of sleep.

Soothing music is not just great for babies but adults as well. It is a relaxation technique that even sleep therapists recommend. It is true that music can help you to sleep even if you suffer from a sleep disorder. It boosts quantity and quality of sleep.

How Does Music Promote Sleep?

Creating a calming effect

If you feel calmer after listening to some music, it is not an imagination. When you enjoy music, it has the power to lower blood pressure and can even trigger muscles to relax. These are biological changes that mirror those which occur in the body what you are falling asleep. Music is, therefore, a perfect way to prepare for restorative slumber.

The best music to make you fall asleep faster is that with an arrangement to allow relaxation through slow tempo, low tones, repetition of phrases and rhythms. Slow music helps to promote sleeping by matching the slow rhythm of a calm heart that in turn subconsciously slows breathing for you to reach semi-meditative state. This is the stage at which the muscles get a signal to stop tensing and relaxing.

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Eliminating anxieties

Music acts on the central nervous system and has relaxing and anti-anxiety effects. It can impact on the production of compounds such opioids which have sedative and pain relieving qualities. Music also improves production of oxytocin which has characteristics that improve sleep. Additionally, music can bring sweet memories that make you happier thus eliminating the bad mood which triggers the release of hormones that increase anxiety.

The urge to sleep start in mind but the body must respond by relaxing. The heart starts beating at a slower steady pace to make the muscles and whole body to relax after receiving the signal from the mind. It is the reason why thoughts become abstract and random when you begin dozing. This is a process of by the mind to relax. It stops focusing on the current and delves into the subconscious mind. You need to rest for the mind to get into semi-conscious state. Soft relaxing music helps to overcome insomnia by calming the mind and reduce its focus on the present active state.

Block blanket noise

If you live adjacent to a busy street, with noisy family members or flat mates who do not sleep until late, it will be difficult to get quality sleep or fall asleep. Music helps creating a blanket of soft noise. It replaces the background sounds which keep you awake.

Types of Music Helps You to Sleep

Soothing songs

If you want to sleep faster by listening to music, choose relaxing music with low tempo. Music with the slow rhythm of 60 to beats per minute (BPM), the measure of pace or speed of a musical piece. Choosing familiar songs that you enjoy will hasten your relaxation. The genres of music that help you to relax and sleep are classical and smooth jazz. Some country and reggae music also serve the purpose. A song of 60BPM has one beat per second.

You can prevent the music from becoming noisy when you slumber by using a sleep timer. Set it to play for slightly longer than the approximate time within which you sleep. You can set the music to play for 25 -45 minutes and go off so that it does not wake you up at night.

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