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What Causes Anxiety

What Causes Anxiety

A feeling of nervousness, worry or unease about something whose outcome is vague. There are various causes of anxiety both medical and no-medical.

These are:


Stress plays a big role in causing anxiety problems. Major unexpected occurrences in life such as sudden loss of family member or source of income can be a cause of stress that triggers panic attacks. Daily challenges that might seem to be small such as receiving unending text messages, waiting long in queues or traffic jams can also cause anxiety to some people.

People who get stress for many reasons struggle more with anxiety than those who do not experience long stress.

Deregulation of brain chemistry

Brain imbalances affecting neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) such as norepinephrine, serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are causes of anxiety. The neurotransmitters play a big role in mood, sleep, and emotional stability. Each can affect experiences that cause anxiety disorders.

It's not entirely clear if the imbalance was due to poor coping strategies or if the imbalances came first and lead to the experience of anxiety. Therapy - without any, medicinal intervention - has been shown to improve chemical regulation, indicating that even though there may be a biological component, the mind can overcome them and improve the flow of neurotransmitters throughout the brain.

But in some cases, doctors prescribe medicines for these issues that are specifically designed to improve neurotransmitter regulation, and they can often work – at least in small doses. This indicates that neurotransmitters are something that can be changed both biologically and environmentally.

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Studies on people who are more prone to anxiety disorders show that they have parents or close family members who have been having similar disorders. It is not clear how genes contribute to frequently anxiety disorders but there is some genetic component that comes into play.

Lifestyle habits

Lifestyle might not be a main cause of anxiety but it is impossible to disregard its effects.For example, people who do not exercise are at a risk of developing anxiety because the body has much-unused energy thus does not produce enough stress coping hormones. Diet also plays a role although it does not cause significant anxiety. For example, caffeine can aggravate symptoms of mild anxiety.


Specific traumas can cause anxiety disorders. A trauma is a form of extreme instant stress that occurs due to an external factor such as a violent attack or witnessing a death. It is more common in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but could also affect people with generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia or panic disorder. Trauma also changes an anxiety baseline in that a person who could have a certain level of stress suddenly finds it hard to handle.

Medical Causes

Some underlying health issues can be a cause of anxiety symptoms as an indication of medical illness. A doctor can confirm if anxiety has a medical cause by ordering for tests to look the signs of a problem. Examples of medical conditions that cause anxiety are:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory disorders like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Thyroid problems like hyperthyroidism

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Drug abuse or withdrawal

The effects of drug use are a direct contributor to anxiety disorder. Medications, toxins, and alcohol cause anxiety disorder. Symptoms can last for an entire period of drug use.

Withdrawal from sedatives, alcohol and other substances also trigger symptoms of anxiety as the body adjusts from effects of lacking something that it has been depending on for stimulation.

Toxins and heavy metals such as insecticides, carbon monoxide, , carbon dioxide, nerve gases and volatile substances like oil can also induce anxiety. They are capable of disturbing the brain chemicals to cause depression and anxiety in addition to weakening the immunity.

One or combination of the above can induce anxiety. A good thing about anxiety is that there are several methods of treating it medically, with therapy or lifestyle changes.

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