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Signs of Hearing Loss You Shouldn't Ignore

Signs of Hearing Loss You Shouldn't Ignore

Hearing loss or impairment happens when there is improper functioning of one or more parts of the ear, the part of the brain controlling hearing or nerves from the ears.

When signs of hearing loss sets in, you will hear some sounds but not clearly. Failure to diagnose and treat the problems increases the risk of failing to hear at all.

A gradual hearing loss that occurs with age ((presbycusis) is more common. People who are over 55 years are the most prevalent group with hearing loss. The highest number of people with hearing loss is at age group aged 65 and over. Almost 1 in 2 in this age group has a form of ear impairment. Exposure to loud noise for a long period is another significant contribution to hearing loss.

Excessive ear wax and illnesses can also cause temporarily hinder the ears from proper conduction of sounds.

Signs of hearing that require medical attention

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

Tinnitus is a high pitched sound that rings incessantly in one or both ears. Anyone can get ringing in the ears once in a while. It can be a mild sign of a cold or an earache but requires medical attention if the ringing is persistent. It is essential to visit an ear specialist if:

  • Tinnitus occurs too regularly and lasts for hours at a time.
  • Hearing diminishes after a bout tinnitus.

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People keep saying that you are loud

It is difficult to regulate the volume of you tome if the hearing in imperfect. If other people keep on requesting you to lower the voice even when you hear as if it sounds normal to you, perhaps it your ears have a problem. Pay attention to corrections from others, and if you suspect that you are straining vocal beyond necessity, it is important to seek a doctor's intervention.

Delayed noticing that someone is talking to you

If people talk for minutes and you do not notice, or you pass by people without hearing them call your name it is a sign that your ears are unable to sift through the ambient noise at an efficiency that allows picking of threads about you. When you are unable to notice people starting a conversation, it is also likely that you fail to hear doorbells, alarms or the phone ringtone.

You follow conversation easily only when speaker is in view

It is a sign of hearing loss if you keep losing lose a thread of conversation when in a group or crowd. If there is a reason to raise you suspicion pay attention next time you are in the similar environment and establish if you just have an easier time when watching a speaker's face. It could be that you have been subconsciously lip-reading using your eyes to compensate the inadequacies of your ears.

You find it easier talking to men

When you only hear men more clearly it a struggle to converse with women in crowded events, it could be that your ears are not developing the ability to follow a thread from high-pitched noises. Male voices are deeper and easier to hear as the cut through crowd noise, but high-pitched voices are lost.

An uncontrolled urge to go near the sound source

Your hearing loss could be worsening if you always find it necessary to go near the sound source or bending you head towards the directions as to have one ear pointing towards it. It is unnecessary will only serve you for a moment. After some time, going or bending towards the sound source will become ineffective.

You constantly require people to repeat

When you constantly catch yourself asking people to repeat some words, it shows that the problem is not their speaking. They cannot all be mumbling, and it is essential to have a specialist check your ears.

Hearing loss mostly occurs gradually thus it is essential to go for a checkup one you start noticing the above signs.

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