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Health Disturbances That Arise From Bad Oral Health

Health Disturbances That Arise From Bad Oral Health

Oral health has more benefits than those beneficial to teeth, mouth, and gums.

The mouth is the primary entryway into other parts of the body hence poor oral health will have negative consequences for the entire body. Aching teeth, bleeding gums, and bad breath are indicators of bad oral hygiene. Bacteria can easily get into the bloodstream from the mouth. It will spread to various body organs causing inflammation and infection. It is essential to practice good oral hygiene and visit a doctor regularly. Both help to prevent serious risk of oral and overall health.

Bad oral health can cause these serious problems.

Cardiovascular disease

Poor oral health increases the risk of heart disease if the periodontal disease exists. Inflammation of the gum by bacteria is the cause of periodontal disease. The same bacteria find a way to get into the bloodstream from the mouth making arteries to harden and build up of plaque. The hardening of arteries, atherosclerosis is a cause of serious medical complications. It can cause blockages that hinder blood flow, heart blockages and increases chances of getting a heart attack.

This damaging impact on the blood vessels can also cause hypertension and increase the risk of getting a stroke. Bacterial due to bad oral health can also trigger developing of endocarditis, a condition that causes infection in the lining of the heart.


Diabetics are at higher risk of oral infections such as infected gums leading to periodontal disease. Periodontal or gum disease can also make it difficult to control diabetes by worsening the levels of blood sugar.

It is crucial for anyone with diabetes to make much more effort in maintaining good oral health and prevent complications of the disease. Gum disease can increase blood sugars to higher than average hence a person with poor oral hygiene is at more risk of developing diabetes.


Infertility among women has a link with poor oral health. Gum disease can lead to numerous overall health issues that make it harder for women to conceive and withstand development of a healthy pregnancy. It may take longer for women with poor oral health to get pregnant.

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Respiratory infections

Poor oral health can affect the respiratory system. Bacteria from the infected teeth and gums reside in the mouth, and some will get into the bloodstream. It will travel to the lungs. Other bacteria get into the lungs during inhaling. Once oral bacterial settles in the lungs, it can cause respiratory infections, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, and COPD.


Bacteria from gingivitis (gum inflammation), which accumulates on the teeth might enter the brain through the bloodstream or nerve channels in the head. Their thriving in the brain can cause the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis cause inflammation. Oral bacteria that causes gum disease increases inflammation throughout the body making it painful and debilitating for the patient by moving through the bloodstream.


Some stomach ulcers occur due to infection by Helicobacter pylori bacterium. It is also a common bacterium in dental plaque. The bacteria can easily migrate from the teeth to the stomach to cause painful ulcers by eating the stomach lining and making holes.


Smoking or using other tobacco products reduces oral hygiene and can increase the risk of contracting cancers of the mouth and throat. Gum disease also increases the risk of these and other types of cancers.

The best way of preventing serious health issues as a result of bad oral health is by practicing good oral hygiene and scheduling regular dental checkups. Healthy teeth are painless and clean. Healthy gums are pink and do not bleed after brushing or flossing.

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