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Advances in Cancer Research

Advances in Cancer Research

Cancer is a name for a collection of diseases that make the body cells to begin dividing incessantly and spreading into surrounding tissues. These cells continue becoming abnormal making the damaged or old cells to survive rather than die and formation of new unneeded cells. Gene mutations that lead to cancer can occur at birth, but most occur after birth and are not hereditary.

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Ways to Improve Your Memory

Ways to Improve Your Memory

The health and vitality of your brain contribute to the state of your memory. Any requires a strong memory, and since the human mind can adapt to changes, it is essential to keep improving it. These are the things that you can do to improve your memory.

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How Can You Lower Blood Pressure

How Can You Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the compression at which blood flows through the arteries. Pressure is necessary to keep the blood flowing around the body but should not exceed a specific rate. Blood pressure should always be below 140/90 unless a doctor informs otherwise. People with conditions such as circulatory disease such as a stroke or coronary heart disease, kidney disease or diabetes should have BP of below 130/80.

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What Causes Headaches

What Causes Headaches

A headache is a pain occurring near the head and neck region. It might feel like the pain is in the brain, but it does not reach here. The brain only senses and sends a signal that the head is hurting itself feeling the pain. Most of the headaches occur on the nerves, muscles and blood vessels covering the head to the neck region.

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How Do You Stop A Panic Attack

How Do You Stop A Panic Attack

A panic attack is an abrupt onset of intense discomfort and fear that reaches its peak in a few minutes by making the patient palpitate, get hard heart pounding or a rush in heart rate. Shaking or trembling, sweating, smothering or interludes of breath shortness are signs of panic attack.

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