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To-Do List before Bedtime for Better Sleep

To-Do List before Bedtime for Better Sleep

It is essential to maximize the quality of sleep to squeeze much rest as you can and wake up with more energy. Sometimes you can feel sleepy but find it difficult to sleep when you get into bed. The following tips help in sleeping faster and deeper.

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Foods That Help or Harm Your Sleep

Foods That Help or Harm Your Sleep

Everyone knows the value of eating foods that give energy, improve immunity, maintain a healthy weight, promote healing but rarely does anybody think about the contribution of food to quality sleep. Food can improve or lower the quality of sleep. If you have never thought of food as a factor in sleep patterns here are the types that can make a difference between getting a restful night or tossing and turning.

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How to Fight Dry and Itchy Eyes

How to Fight Dry and Itchy Eyes

Dry eyes occur when tears are unable to provide adequate moisture to the eyes.

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Treatment and Care of Heartburn

Treatment and Care of Heartburn

Heartburn is a painful and burning sensation that occurs in the upper part of the stomach or middle of your chest. The pain can also spread to the arms, neck or jaw lasting for few minutes or hours.

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Ways to Relieve Stress

Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress is a state of emotional or mental strain that occurs during demanding or adverse circumstances that a person is unable to cope to with and the brain view it as a threat. Huge bills, workload, sickness and strained relationship with other people are some of the things that cause stress. During stress, the body releases chemicals and hormones that prepare it to deal with the threat.

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