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Signs of Hearing Loss You Shouldn't Ignore

Signs of Hearing Loss You Shouldn't Ignore

Hearing loss or impairment happens when there is improper functioning of one or more parts of the ear, the part of the brain controlling hearing or nerves from the ears.

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How to deal with Teenagers and Bullying

How to deal with Teenagers and Bullying

Bullying is a habitual use of threat, coercion or force to intimidate abuse or dominate others who are of inferior strength or position. Bullying among teenagers mostly takes place in school or neighborhood where the older bigger or stronger teens bully the others. Parents, teachers and any adult dealing with teens should help them to deal with bullying and decide on a wise way to resolve the problem.

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Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teen pregnancy is that which occurs in females who are under 20 years old. There are instances when teenagers get pregnant soon after ovulation which could be before the first menstrual period but usually, it occurs at the onset of periods. This is around the age of 12-13.

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What Causes Anxiety

What Causes Anxiety

A feeling of nervousness, worry or unease about something whose outcome is vague. There are various causes of anxiety both medical and no-medical.

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What Are the Symptoms of Depression

What Are the Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a mood disorder causing persistent sadness and a loss of interest. Clinical depression or major depressive disorder is the other names for depression. It affects the way someone feels, thinks and behaves. It often leads to various physical and emotional problems that hinder normal functioning to work on frail activities. Some depressed people feel as if their lives are not worth living.

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